Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009

Cara Kerja AIS (Air Induction System)

Di semua motor baru sudah pasti dilengkapi AIS (Air Induction System). Fungsinya untuk mengurangi kepekatan atau polusi gas buang. Namun banyak yang salah kaprah dan menuduh AIS sebagai biang keladi yang bikin tenaga mesin ngedrop. Akibatnya banyak yang melepas atau membuang AIS.

Nah, biar tidak salah paham tentang AIS, lebih baik tahu cara kerjanya. Juga mesti tahu dulu namanya. Kan nama AIS sendiri sebutan dari Yamaha. “Khusus di Honda, SASS (Secondary Air Supply System),” jelas Handy Hariko, Deputi Technical Service Division, PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM).

“Di Suzuki beda lagi namanya. Disebut PAIR (Pulsed Secondary Air Injection System),” timpal Pendy Suryanda dari bagian training roda dua, PT Indomobil Niaga Interantional. Begitupun di Kawasaki sudah pasti lain. Namanya HSAS (High-performance Secondary Air System).

Fungsinya sama dan tidak ada bedanya. Begitu juga cara kerjanya. “Menginjeksikan udara ke lubang exhaust. Sehingga polutan gas buang jadi berkurang,” ucap Handy Hariko sambil tersenyum.
Karena cara kerjanya sama, biar lebih tahu dan tahu lebih, monggo ambil sampel SASS seperti di Honda Supra X 125.

Namun sebelum tahu cara kerjanya harus tahu dulu komponen pendukung SASS. Paling utama rumah SASS yang seperti keong. Ukurannya kira-kira segede keong laut atau sawah. Iya, kalau besar sekali namanya Keong Mas. Kalau itu adanya di Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.

Rumah keong ini sebenarnya hanya sebagai katup buka-tutup. Di rumah keong juga ada tiga slang. Dua slang besar berdiameter 10 mm dan satu lagi kecil dengan diameter 5 mm. Dua slang besar tadi beda tujuan. Ada yang yang menuju filter udara dan satu lagi menuju pipa di kepala silinder. Sedang slang kecil menuju intake manifold.

Jadi cara kerjanya juga praktis. Ketika motor distarter, terjadi kevakuman di manifold. Lalu kevakuman diteruskan lewat slang kecil menuju rumah keong SASS. Katup SASS terbuka dan memungkinkan udara dari boks filter terisap akibat kevakuman dari lubang buang.

“Akibatnya udara dari boks filter mengalir menuju lubang buang. Campur dengan gas bekas,” jelas Handy Hariko yang berkulit bersih dan berambut lurus itu. Kepekatan gas buang jadi berkurang.

Lebih jelas lihat skema.


Gas hasil pembakaran sudah pasti beracun. Kan mengandung CO (karbon monoksida) dan HC (hidro karbon). Dengan diinjeksikannya udara lewat SASS atau AIS, tentu bikin lebih aman. Supaya tidak begitu beracun.

Misalkan CO di lubang buang yang sedang mengalir ketemu udara yang mengandung oksigen (O2). Hasil perkawinannya jadi CO2 yang tidak begitu berbahaya dibanding CO.

Begitupun HC jika ketemu udara yang mengandung oksigen (O2). Maka akan terjadi perkawinan dan menghasilkan H2O (air) dan karbon yang dilepas ke udara. Ini bikin molekul hidrokarbon berbahaya jadi ramah lingkungan. Ini tugas sebenarnya.


Dilihat dari cara kerjanya, SASS alias AIS sudah pasti di luar sistem mesin. Dengan begitu tidak mempengaruhi cara kerja mesin. Wajar jika keberadaan AIS tidak berpengaruh terhadap pengurangan tenaga mesin.

Seperti pernah dites Em-Plusedisi lalu. Menggunakan dynotest, dipasang dan tanpa AIS, tenaga mesin tetap sama. Tidak ada bedanya, Bro. Namun sedikit bijak jika tetap dipasang. Kan mampu mengurangi polutan

Jumat, 13 Februari 2009

(WTS) Yamaha TZ125 GP

Dijual Yamaha TZ 125 GP,warna merah putih,spec sirkuit,horse power 44dk,weight 72,3 kg.powerful motorsport in 125cc class,barang 99% mulus,ga pernah dipakai buat balap disirkuit.harga Rp 55.000.000 (nego). berminat hub : 08170796360 NB: kemaren udah diservis,ganti oli girbox,kuras air radiator dan ganti busi spesifikasi :Overall length x width x height : 1,828 x 510 x 1,033 mmWheelbase : 1,242 mmMinimum ground clearance : 110 mmDry weight : 72.3 kgEngine type : Liquid Cooled 2-Stroke Crankcase Reed ValveCylinder arrangement : SingleDisplacement : 124 ccBore x stroke : 54.0 x 54.5 mmCompression ratio : 7.9:1Maximum output : 44PS(32.3kW) / 12,250 r/minMaximum torque : 2.55kgf-m(25.0N-m) / 12,000 r/minStarting system : Push startLubrication : Pre-mixEngine oil capacity : 0.3LFuel tank capacity : 13.0 literCarburetion : TMX38 x 1Ignition system : C.D.IPrimary / Secondary reduction ratios : 2.857 / 2.118Clutch type : Dry multi-plate coil springTransmission type : Constant mesh 6-speedGear ratios : 1st: 2.000, 2nd: 1.632, 3rd: 1.4124th: 1.250, 5th: 1.143, 6th: 1.083Frame type : DiamondCaster / Trail : 22.6 degrees / 85.5 mmTire size (front / rear) : 95/70R17 / 115/70R17Brake type (front / rear) : Hydraulic single disc / Hydraulic single discSuspension type (front / rear) : Telescopic / Swing armpic :

Minggu, 08 Februari 2009

Sabtu, 07 Februari 2009

bajaj luncurkan produk baru wow keren

JAKARTA, SELASA - Setelah sukses dengan produk Pulsar DTS-i 180 cc dan 200 cc, PT Bajaj Auto Indonesia (BAI) kembali meluncurkan produk sepeda motor terbaru XCD 125 DTS-Si dengan menawarkan teknologi terbaru yang diklaim lebih efisien dalam pemakaian bahan bakar. Peluncuran motor berkapasitas 125 cc yang dilakukan di Grand Hyatt, Jakarta, Selasa (10/6) ini diharapkan dapat mengikuti jejak Pulsar, yang hingga saat ini telah laku terjual 15.000 unit.
Brand Manager Bajaj Auto Indonesia, Apong Arfiansyah mengatakan Bajaj XCD 125 DTS-Si coba mengambil pasar sepeda motor jenis bebek dengan berusaha memberikan kenyamanan terhadap pengendara yang sudah terbisa menggunakan sepeda motor tersebut. "Kita coba mengambil pangsa pasar sepeda motor jenis bebek yang saat ini berkembang cukup pesat. Tiap bulannya penjualan mencapai 200.000," ujar Apong. Untuk memenuhi target itu, pihak BAI menghargai produk barunya Rp 13,5 juta.
Bajaj XCD 125 DTS adalah produk entry sport yang ditujukan bagi pengendara yang berjiwa muda dan mengerti akan nilai ekonomis sebuah kendaraan sport. Uji coba 10 unit kendaraan yang telah dilakukan selama tiga bulan sebelumnya, menunjukkan pengggunaan bahan bakar pada kendaraan ini tergolong irit yakni mencapai 65 hingga 75 persen untuk ukuran kendaraan sekelasnya (125 cc).
XCD 125 DTS menggunakan mesin teknologi terbaru dari teknologi DTS-I yakni teknologi digital twin spark induction atau DTS-Si. Saat ini, sudah lebih dari 3,5 juta kendaraan yang menggunakan mesin digital twin spark, di mana teknologi ini mengutamakan keseimbangan power dengan efisiensi konsumsi bahan bakar. Teknologi inilah yang memungkinkan pembakaran di dalam mesin lebih cepat dengan gerakan pembakaran seperti turbulensi sehingga pembakarannya menjadi sempurna.
Sementara itu, komponen-komponen mesin DTS-Si terbuat dari material yang memiliki daya tahan dan direkayasa guna menahan tekanan pembakaran yang lebih tinggi yang disebabkan tingginya turbulensi dan cepatnya pembakaran.
Dengan teknologi ini, Bajaj XCD 125 DTS-Si menawarkan produk yang memiliki performa mesin 125 cc namun irit bahan bakar dengan tenaga maksimum 9.53PS pada 7000 rpm dan torsi maksimum 10.85 Nm pada 5000 rpm.
XCD 125 DTS memiliki penampilan yang kokoh dan garis bodi yang kuat. Speedometer sudah sistem digital, LED tail lamp, dan headlamp dengan sistem DC dan prismatic pilot lamp. Pada bagian suspensi depan, bajaj XCD memakai Telescopic (125mm travel) dan belakang memakai swing arm dengan 5-step adjustable dan shock absorbed dengan spring ganda tipe 'SNS' (Spring n Spring).
Kini, Bajaj XCD 125 cc DTS-Si ini tersedia dalam empat pilihan warna yakni long beach blue, cocktail red, silver chrome, dan jet black.

Jumat, 06 Februari 2009

At NightBlack and gray clouds willow in the balance as the sun falls.Rain plays a heart warming tune, on the pavement.Emotions stir.A feeling of warmness, compassion, fullness, I feel at home.Disguised by surroundings.As the torn and left in the gutter seek vengeance on their mistreated lives.As the torn and left in the cold, seek vengeance on mistreated lives.A silhouette stands still.A cactus on a warm summer night.But the rain falls cold and the moon shines bright.Black as night.Cold as ice.Warm as home.Ready to live.Stars they shoot.In a clear.Across the sky.As does my time.Waiting, wanting, feeling, emotion.Crying, breaking, loving, nothing.Clouds swallow the moon, and I'm alone, thinking good times, and why'd they go?Falling down, breaking down parts of me.Fuck. I need this place to get away from you.

The mark I breathe on you.It's burning through your soul.The breath I waste.Losing control.I bleed in pain.Testing what I know.Lips soaked in deceit.Pull me from here.No one s innocent.So why do I feel bad?But guilt keeps creeping, creeping up on me.Guilt. Tearing me up inside.The innocent.An evil in disguise.The face of beauty to fall for.I fall to my knees, deceitful.Brought down by feelings of regret.Again your mind has failed the test.Not everyone feels the same.Pacifist blinded by the game.Stand tall. They'll break your heart.Stand tall. They'll smash your ego.Stand tall. They'll tear you down.Stand tall. Scar your soul.Break your thought.Fuck your mind.The mark I breathe on you.It s burning through your soul.The breath I waste.Losing control.I bleed in pain.Testing what I know.Lips soaked in deceit.Pull me from this hole.

Your hazel green tint eyes watching every move I make.And that feeling of doubt, it's erased.I'll never feel alone again with you by my side.You're the one, and in you I confide. And we have gone through good and bad times.But your unconditional love was always on my mind.You've been there from the start for me.And your loves always been true as can be.I give my heart to you.I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you.8. Epic Of Time WastedSo much time I've wasted.I can truly say I never thought it would come to this.Never would I doubt you, but the truth kept smacking me in the face.Reality. You never stopped to think and you ripped us apart.How could you? Now our time is gone but it's still breaking my heart.Tears run down as I think of the days we've had, and the memories will last forever,but you and I have died and gone our separate ways.You are the one.You are the wrong one.Breaking the mold.Going your own way.All I feel, betrayal.So much time I've wasted, and I never thought it'd come to this.Apology.We had something great, then it was washed away.We had something more, then I can explain.I'm sorry. No! We had something great, then it was washed away.No! Not all friendships last, the genuine are harder to take.No! Time to start again, hope someday you'll think of me.No! The end reality, I know someday I'll think of you.

When you see them coming in form.And they say they do what's best for you.Fighting for one total control.They are planned and organized for you.Breaking their hold. Breaking their hold of control they strive.To keep you down, behind your back, the time has come, the end is near.It's when you sleep, so late at night, and in the light, getting prepared.It's not to help you, but help their cause, under one system, you wont exist.They are the few, with all the power, our system screams, we can't let them tear our hearts out.Screaming, pulling on our pride. Stand together for the right cause, one system to our demise.

FacesForgotten faces.Lost in yesterdays realm.Drained with confusion.Where did it all go?Look into the past, look into their faces.Never, the thought of being time fucked.But now they're all gone and all that's left is this blank faced picture.Ninety percent, nothing was done, nothing accomplished,coasting through life didn't seize the day.No one ever realized that they're already dead.By the time you realize, you'll be dead too.Without another chance to save the world, these things they're gone, your gone, forgotten.Now your face in my picture frame. It's gone, forever.Right before my very eyes.And just when I thought I made light of things.It slips away, into darkness.My life passes now I see.Just what this world does hold for me.It's getting hard, harder to breathe.Am I out of time is that what this means?Well that's what it means.That's what it means, you and me try to breathe.Now you. Realize.Your life, flies by.Now I. Realize.My life, I die.

I don't want to know.And I don't want to see you in this place.Your kind is a disgrace as I spit in your face.And I don't want to hear anymore.A friend is fucked with while he's having fun on the dance floor.Get the fuck out of here now.Come on you kids, stand your ground.This is your show, it s your family.All of my friends there for me.There's four-hundred more of us then them.So kick them out.Keep it positive.Keep it real. Keep it true.Together with my friends.I'll be there for you.Through the problems thick and thin and problems we'll fight through.This is to my brothers, I ll be there for you.Through the problems thick and thin and problems we'll fight through.This is to my family.I'll be there for you.

You live your whole life staring at a wall, your mind goes blank sooner now you will fall.You never learned the things you say to know now, but how?There seems to be a difference, two different types of kids.The ones who go out and the ones that are taught to live.One groups taught how and the other group is taught why.There's no need to tell you what's in my mind, but in the game of life I'm doing fine.No reason to tell you which way to be.Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see.Look what's happening now.What are the reasons why and how?And don't you think it sounds stupid when someone's treateddifferent cause they're not the same as me or you?

I see you fading away from us.I'll miss you very much.Room with empty bottles, broken dreams, and pride still running high, always on your side.But I wanted more for you.You can't go on this way.And now I see it all fall through.We pray for better days.Stuck alone and scared.Throw your life away and now choking on your pride may be the only way.I don't want to see you like this.We all tried to save you but missed.I still feel the hope on your road.Now come back to us like the days of the old.I still feel you there, trying to get on top.You'll always have my support, in my heart.People you've hurt.Friends that you've lied to.But we understand, and that s not (you) can see the end of the road,I can see it too, for you, I'm scared, if I lose you, I'm not prepared.This time, if you die.I watch you, right before my eyes.Just trust me, and listen.You have no self control.This will take your life.Overdose and then indulge until you die.Pondering, we all ask the question why.Broken home, and then abandoned by your dad.And we are left the only family that you've ever had.Help you see it through.Fight this me and you.Reaching deep inside.Problems not just you is what we find.Our friendship makes it mine.Thanks to for sending these lyrics.Thanks to for correcting track #2 lyrics.Thanks to for correcting track #3 lyrics.Thanks to for correcting track #10 lyrics.
Darkness Surrounding
Darkness coats us.The smell of fall.Changing season.The graveyard is alive, black cat across my path,the chill of cold wind, the breath of the dead.Imprisoned souls.Trapped for eternity.Black crows break the silence.The garden of the dead s alive tonight and you can't stop it.Just enjoy it.Open up your mind and you will feel it too.The sound, the touch, the thoughts, that you've been so blind to.You can feel the thoughts of the dead.Feeling the thoughts of the dead.True or false, it's still there, teaching me.True or false, still there, teaching me.You can feel it tonight.The wood has rotted away.Take the time absorb it.Their time is slipping away.Stone all carved by hand.Statues that resemble their faces.They still breathe.Come join us.Smell the burning ember's, time flickering away.Timeless but soon gone.Timeless but soon gone.I can find myself, alone with just my thoughts.As time crumbles away.As I crumble away.

a7x sounding the seventh trumpet

Turn The Other Way
Slit my wrists, take away the pain.Slit my throat, there's no one to blame.Lost in the fields of confusion.Restless nights, they're not far away.I came here for something and I'm not turning back.A calm piece of mind but you still hold my keys.Keeping my fate deep within your threshold.Petty inconvenience but it means the world to me.
You have the power.To set me free.Caught in your grasp, how?Just let me be.Give me control out.Out of these depths.A fiery hell.I pray for death.
I've been the wrong one time and time again.Now I'm on my knees forgive me please.Tore out my heart and handed to me on a silver platter.Sew up the hole, emptiness in the place of compassion.You made me this way.I am the product of your creation.Look the other way.Now you've turned your back on me.You've turned away from me, the future's much to far away to see.I hope you learn the truth, not the way things were meant to be with me and you.

Kamis, 05 Februari 2009

Avenged Sevenfold - Lost

Centuries pass and still the same
War in our blood, some things never change
Fighting for land and personal gain
Better your life, justify our pain
The end is knocking, the end is knocking

We've all been lost for most of this life
(Lost for most of this life)
Everywhere we turn more hatred surrounds us
And I know that most of us just ain't right
(Most of us just ain't right)
Following the wrong steps, being led by pride

How many lives will we take?
How many hearts destined to break?
Nowhere to run, can't escape
Full of ourselves, tied to our fate
The end is knocking, the end is knocking

We've all been lost for most of this life
(Lost for most of this life)
Everywhere we turn more hatred surrounds us
And I know that most of us just ain't right
(Most of us just ain't right)
Following the wrong steps, being led by pride

With peace of mind so hard to find
We're dwelling on the drastic signs
Another way to numb our mind
And as you close your eyes tonight and pray for a better life
You'll see it flying helplessly away

We've all been lost for most of this life
(Lost for most of this life)
Everywhere we turn more hatred surrounds us
And I know that most of us just ain't right
(Most of us just ain't right)
Following the wrong steps, being led by pride

We've all been lost for most of this life
Everywhere we turn more hatred surrounds us
And I know that most of us just ain't right
Following the wrong steps, being led by pride

We've all been lost for most of this life
Everywhere we turn more hatred surrounds us
And I know that most of us just ain't right
Following the wrong steps, being led by pride

© All lyrics are copyright of their owners.